Systematic Literature Review

Systematic Literature Review (SLR) can be seen as a step ahead taken in literature review. It also searches, identifies, selects and then analyses the existing literature to answer the questions raised in the current research work. However, the critical approach is enhanced in a systematic approach to fulfill the purpose of providing better credibility and clarity. This rigorous process does not just involve finding the accurate literature for the study but also strategically planning the methods of collecting those studies. The criteria and approach of your study also remain the focal point while conducting the SLR, as it is done with the purpose to improve the existing knowledge about the discoveries in the topic area, to evaluate the research methodologies that have been used earlier and to come up with better theories and analysis.

Our Key Principles


Systematic Literature Review uses methods of search like PRISMA, RevMan and other thoroughly critical measures to make sure that only the most relevant literature studies are selected for the review. It enables the screening and selection of the studies. Also, it keeps the strategy transparent and does multiple analyses to make sure that the selected studies stand strongly for the review base.


SLR provides a summary of the existing knowledge on the topic that was compiled through various studies and puts it in simpler terms for the readers to understand it. It also helps in giving the support to the current study, so that the purpose and goals of the research become clearer.

Planned StagesPlanned Stages

The focus in Systematic Literature review remains on the stages through which the studies need to pass and qualify for the final review. For this it is important to first define the concept and theory of the current study and the specific issues which have been raised to sort them all out one by one.


The data and existing studies get collected from scientific sources, journals and books which are available either online or offline. Web of Science, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, PunMed, PsychINFO and so on are some of the sources which provide studies which are peer reviewed making them more reliable and factual.


Due to the systemic approach and transparency in the methods used to select, define and analyse the studies, the process of conducting the research becomes explicit. This allows the future researchers to understand how the results and conclusions have been derived from the given data easily which makes it easier for them to evaluate and audit, where and when necessary.


By defining the issues and compiling all the existing knowledge regarding the research topic, SLR also makes it possible to identify the gaps in the research and data studied during the current study. This allows in raising questions and making justifiable suggestions for the future progress in the field with supported and well-reasoned review.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, we keep a target of 500-1000 words a day because of the thorough and detailed review. This would mean that it takes about 4-5 business days to develop a 15 page SLR. However, depending on the data and difficulty level, the number of days could be changed. For specific answers related to your study, connect with our team.
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