
Ethical research guidance and consulting services for PhD candidates since 2008

PhD Planner - Authorised Reseller, PhDGuidance Mumbai

Often due to mismanagement or absence of a structured system, scholars end up losing their data and valuable information which they had collected over the years, thereby wasting a considerable amount of time in starting all-over again from scratch. PhD Planner is a unique handbook useful in organising research work of doctoral candidates which provides direction to PhD candidates, improves their efficiency and makes their doctoral journey easy. 

How to Use PhD Planner

Use the PhD Planner, to not only manage everything related to your research work, but also to monitor your progress at each and every stage of your research. Make this planner your constant companion during your research journey, stay motivated and utilise the various options available in the planner to help keep you on track and succeed in your PhD.

PhD Planner - Your Doctoral Research Companion

PhD Planner By EMarketz India Private Ltd.

Planner Details 218 reviews

Availability : In Stock
Product Code : 3465



Last Purchased On : 25 Mar, 2025 10:29:28

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Anup Shekhar 27 Sep 2023
I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for bringing out such an innovative product for PhD scholars.
Ravi Tomar, Jaipur 21 Sep 2023
I used PhD Planner to develop my manuscripts. I could organise my research much better.
Sasikanta Jena 11 Apr 2023
This is the best planner for research. I want some help from this site.
Ria Singh 08 Mar 2023
I didn’t know how to structure my research work. While I was discussing the same with my colleague, he suggested me to use PhD planner. This guided me through the structuring process. I’m glad I used it. I highly recommend this planner to every PhD scholar out there.
Rajat Sharma 14 Feb 2023
I would recommend this PhD Planner to not only guys who are pursuing PhD, but everyone who's a scholar and involved any kind of research. After I started using this, my life has become so much easier. I am able to manage the documents related to my research and maintain everything at one place. Searching for stuff is no longer a hassle! I can record all about my research using this and get back whenever I wish to.
Kumar Reddy 05 Jan 2023
Very nice work book. I am able to work fast for my research. Thank you.
Jason 14 Sep 2022
Awesome planner! It has helped me a lot to be sticking to my schedule. I am able to prioritise my tasks without hassle. I have been consistent with this planner. Thanks for releasing such a fabulous planner!
Shivani Mogha 03 Aug 2022
Recently i was working on writing my PhD thesis and got stuck on how to conclude it. This PhD planner helped me a lot in my PhD research and writing a valuable dissertation.
Raj Joshi 31 Mar 2022
Awesome planner! It has helped me a lot to be sticking to my schedule.
Lohith Mallia 16 Jun 2021
Helpful product for PhD students in India.
Ankita Sharma 03 May 2021
PhD Planner has really helped me with my PhD work. It is a guidebook that consists of a diversified set of sections and sub-sections which guides you right from topic selection to concluding your research and giving it its final framework. It is a comprehensive planner and is a must-have and I would suggest it to anyone undergoing thesis.
Abhinav Vijay 27 Jan 2021
Working on PhD Planner and with PhD Planner has become a habit for me
Trisha Mohanty 29 Oct 2020
PhD journey was made easy with PhD Planner, Kudos to the team
Ritu Chauhan 10 Nov 2019
PhD Planner is one of the best guidebooks available out there that a person wanting to pursue a PhD would want to refer. It helped me in searching the most appropriate title for my PhD thesis. Apart from this, I referred it throughout the research process as it offered step by step guidelines facilitating the research work.

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Under the research design section, the Planner will guide you step by step. Firstly, it will make you develop a strategy as per the goal and area of your study. Taking you on the next step it will engage you with the sources; whether to use primary source or secondary. After deciding on the source, sampling method will be chosen, and then the incorporation of data management tools will be done. Depending on the source of your collection, you will gather the data and come to a tentative conclusion.
There is no particular stage to buy the PhD Planner. You can buy it at any point you are stuck in your PhD as the Planner will help you move out of the trap and complete your doctoral research. Whether you choose to get the Planner at an early stage of topic selection or on a later crucial stage of data analysis, it will help you and guide you throughout.
After the research work, the PhD Planner will help you in the publishing of your research paper. It will guide you with the sorting of suitable 4-5 journals on the basis of the index, impact factor, and every minor detail to get your research published in them. Proofread the manuscript according to the listed points in the Planner and getting it peer-reviewed to submit it to the journal. With the step to step guide for publishing your research, the Planner will help you all along.
Currently, it is not, but we are working in the sector of application and not in the ebook format.
You won’t be needing any coach or supervisor if you have the PhD Planner with you as it is the needed coach and companion for you. Spending more on hiring a coach will only burn the holes in your pocket.
A University scholar is not a pro in the research process, and so the chances of rejection or correction after the submission is high. The Planner will provide you with a complete guide on how to receive comments from your supervisor and then incorporate them in your academic document. The researcher can also mark days in the calendar of the Planner to remember the dates for meeting and other things.