PhD Synopsis Writing Service

PhD Synopsis or Thesis Proposal is considered to be the most important step for the development of a successful thesis because if it gets rejected, you can’t move on to the process of developing a thesis. Therefore, it becomes crucial to prepare a synopsis that highlights the significance of your proposed research work. Along with the research topic and title, the synopsis must include a brief introduction, scope and purpose of the research, the chosen research methodology, presentation of the findings in support of your research, questions which will be answered, time needed for the research and appropriate resource citations to show the credibility of your research.

A Brief Explanation Of The Points Included In A PhD Synopsis

  • IntroductionIntroduction

    The introduction includes the brief about what the research is about and lays a base for the readers to know what to expect from the research. It also helps in acting as a base for the thesis statement.

  • Scope & ObjectivesScope & Objectives

    Next, the synopsis must also focus on the importance of the research and how it will impact the field or study area positively. Without highlighting the need of the research, it becomes difficult to get acceptance for the research.

  • Research StrategyResearch Strategy

    In this point, the design, framework and methods of the research are discussed and why you think that they suit the research and how they will enhance the potential of the research.

  • Brief Literature ReviewBrief Literature Review

    The brief literature review talks about the previous researches and studies that have been conducted on the topic and how your study is different from them. It also focuses on whether there were any unanswered questions in the past studies which are addressed by your research.

  • Research Time-FrameResearch Time-Frame

    This section allows you to talk about the estimated duration for conducting a successful research on your proposed topic and why you think that much time is appropriate for the same.

  • Citations & BibliographyCitations & Bibliography

    Lastly, there has to be a section for citations and bibliography in the format as per the university’s guidelines. These citations provide relevance to the arguments made for the proposal and provide weight to your synopsis.

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PhD candidates can meet PhD consultant, editors for discussion related to doctoral research and journal paper publications including SCI, UGC approved and IEEE journals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

For the synopsis development, we go through the guidelines set by the concerned university. According to those guidelines, we plan our synopsis development and if it needs literature review to be provided in tabular form then we do provide it in the tabular form.
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