Questionnaire Design for PhD Research

The key objective of a questionnaire is provide standardised interview across all subjects. This is so that all respondents are asked the questions that are appropriate to them, and so that, when those questions are asked, they are always asked in exactly the same way.

The role of the questionnaire is to elicit the information that is required to enable the researcher to answer the objectives of the survey. To achieve this, the questionnaire should not only collect the data required, but also collect the data in the most accurate way possible.

Points to Ponder When Designing a Questionnaire

  • Data Collection Media
    Data Collection Media
  • Types of Question and Data
    Types of Question and Data
  • Application of scales in measurement
    Application of scales in measurement
  • Ethical issues involved
    Ethical issues involved
  • Writing and laying
    Writing and laying the format of Questionnaire

Why design your questionnaire with us?

a) Questionnaire design is one of the most crucial aspects of your academic research. It is never similar to writing a chapter or conducting analysis. You must have a sound knowledge of statistics and should bear in mind the hypothesis to develop questions which can be directly attributed to them.

b) Choice of scales like Likert five point or seven point scale is also important and should be backed by rationale for using the same.

c) Our team can assist you in developing a questionnaire for research and pilot study. Our experienced team members have already helped numerous doctoral candidates in the same.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The number of questions will be decided on the basis of the aims and objectives of your research.
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